I remember a university lecture debating whether digital art is real art and the whole contemporary format being an acceptable one, according to the lecturer "digital art isn't art if it doesn't exists in the real world, the physical world". I’m mostly a digital artist these days but I have to say coming from an art school background I had to agree. From my own experience and exposure within the traditional art and gallery exhibition scene I can say there definitely is a biased when it comes to accepting digital forms of art on the same plateau as traditional methods such as an oil painting next to a digital one, ignorance is part of the problem. I personally believe if you put your heart and soul into honestly expressing yourself bringing to life something original from scratch then it should be appreciated as a legitimate form. Now my non existent digital painting exists and it's a thing of beauty let me tell you. Heart and Soul.
The poster art was created for a short film called Dummy, as part of the Odeon Short Film Competition which won the Best Poster Entry 2009. The pieces above were re-worked in 2010 and printed in 2012...Finally!
'Dummy' poster art Deviant Art Gallery.
'Dummy' poster art Facebook Gallery.
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