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Moon Rats Midnight Crisis print available on

Cheese is used to bait rats. Is the moon made of cheese? No, that's just a silly fable but giant space rats do rule over the lunar surface. The only dominant life form from the dark side of the barren rock. As the Tetris Space Shuttle blasts into orbit through the moody midnight sky, shooting stars signals the beginning of the Moon Rats descent to planet Earth below, a never ending alien invasion. One small step for man, one giant leap for space rats!

Product Info:

Size - 120cm x 50cm.

Print - Panoramic print on stretched canvas.

"The concept art is for an animation created for London Bus-Tops, a collaborative public art installation project across 20 London boroughs, creating a new exhibition space for the public arts as part of London's 2012 cultural Olympiad."

Print Available Here

Yuyanda's Blog of Art and Design, Animation and Illustration. 2017. All Rights Reserved.


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